Thursday, November 12, 2009

I want to be here !

If  I was in the market for a second home, something like this would be it !  I love the simpleness of old log homes.  Imagine pulling up the long country driveway to this warm and cozy retreat.

It just says "relax" from the minute you step in.  As the busy holiday season approaches, things tend to become alittle overwhelming if  you let them.  My strategy this year is going to be to not sweat the small stuff, and try to relax and enjoy the season.

It's been a tough year for many of us, and sometimes there is no end in sight.  But even though we've lost this year, as a family we have gained alot.  We are blessed !

As the season begins I wish everyone to have a retreat.  It doesn't have to be a lovely log cabin in the woods, (although it's nice !)....but it can also be a state of mind !  When things get crazy, instead of frowning, put on a good smile and be thankful for little things.  I love when I get a smile from a stranger, just for no really shows how many good kind people there are in the world......ttfn !

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